Carp fishing season

Slovenia offers year-round fishing. Check out the best months for Carp fishing in Slovenia in order to catch the most and the biggest.
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A month for the most persistent carp anglers. Lakes are mostly frozen, so the rivers come are perfect if you want to catch yourself a winter carp. With a bit of pre-baiting, chances for success are not slim at all! 


In February, carp fishing in Slovenia depends on how harsh the winter was that year. Most of the time second half of February is usually always a good time to catch a first carp, if the conditions are good, you can even get plenty of bites in a single day. Fish are still a bit sleepy, so you can use this to your advantage and trick a big Carp into taking your bait.

Fishing guide holding a carp
Fishing guide holding a carp


March is an unofficial Carp fishing season opening. Weather is getting warmer and so does the water, fish become more active and they are hungry from winter sleep, so conditions for Carp fishing are good. Since Carp fishing on Lake Bled is not allowed until April, Šmartinsko Lake is the perfect place to be for a few days, and the first 20+ fish of the season is just a few casts away.


A peak season of the first six months. If there’s ever time to catch a Carp then it’s now. Water temperature rises to a point where fish start feeding massively in order to prepare for spawning. Days are getting longer, nights are not so cold anymore and nature shows it’s attributes. All Carp fishing waters from our list are now available, including Lake Bled.

Fishing on beautiful lake Bled


On some lakes, water is warm enough that the carp start spawning, but usually that’s not the case with Lake Bled and Šmartinsko Lake, which are deeper and thereby colder. But even if water is a bit warmer than usual, in those lakes, fish do not spawn all at the same time so if you decide to come Carp Fishing to Slovenia, May is a great time to do it.

June, July, August

In the beginning of the summer, there can still be some signs of spawning, but nevertheless conditions for Carp fishing in Slovenia are the best during summer. Warm weather, long days with short nights to restore your energy, active carp and good company is all you can ask for. So if you want to catch big fish while watching the sunset with a beer in your hand, you will definitely come to Slovenia for a few days of Carp fishing.

Man holding bled crap from lake Bled


A start of Big Carp fishing. Temperatures drop a bit and this gives the fish a signal to start feeding for colder months. Consequently, we, carp anglers, get more bites and heavier fish. There is less commotion of the water, tourists are leaving so peace and quiet are returning, making it ideal time for fishing. Nature is changing it’s colours into warmer shades, and so do the carp.


A prime month to break your personal carp record and still be able to hold it for a photo without your fingers frosting from low temperatures. Feeding action is at it’s highest, last chance for carp to gain weight before the winter. Yes, it’s a bit colder, but the rewards are bigger or should we say heavier. Definitely the best time to go Carp fishing in Slovenia, a common opinion from all of our carp fishing guides.

Fishing guide holding a fish from Šmartinsko lake


If you take a walk around the lake you will see many local carp anglers, and they have a good reason. Everybody is waiting for the biggest fish that are still feeding. Bites tend to come slow but when they do, you could have a fish of your life on the end of the line. It’s cold for sure, but fishing on Lake Bled during the days or camping by Šmartinsko lake with a heater in your bivy can be bearable when you take into account the possibility of the 30+kg catch.


Fishing slowly moves to the rivers, Last big carp can be caught from the lakes as long as you are persistent enough. If you want a try for a winter beast, we sure are ready to guide you.

C Gibson
Verified Customer
One of the most beautiful rivers I've ever seen. And the catch was more than we expected. In the begining I was taking photos of every grailing, and can proudly say that at the end of the day I had a pretty nice collection!
Verified Customer
This was over the top thrilling. I caught a fish that was my reason to come here. I almost ruined my camera while getting a picture, but worth it :) The guidance was professional and the fishing spots were just calling for the catch.
Matej A
Verified Customer
went on this guided fly fishing with my brother. It was quite a challenge to catch a marble trout on Idrijca river, but on the second day we succeded. Hell yeah worth fishing 3 days on this river. Highly recommend
Max R
Verified Customer
Best day of my life! You have to try fly fishing on Soca river. Žiga is #1 fly fishing guide in the world!!
Verified Customer
Soča Fly Fishing was on my bucket list for a long time - tnx for making it unforgettable, one of the best experiences in Slovenia!
Ervin P
Verified Customer
It was a lot of fun fly fishing on Soča river. The most beautiful place with the most skillful guide.
Unforgettable fishing experience with local fishermen on beautiful hidden spots across Slovenia.
Portfolio company of World Discovery.